
    Freie Universitaet Berlin

    Professor Kloft’s research group, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry at Freie Universitaet Berlin focuses on the optimisation of drug therapy for patient populations with high unmet medical and societal need. Our research aims to quantitatively and over time characterise the complex interactions between patient–disease–drugs by means of (patho-)physiology- and mechanism-based computational models and to use these to derive new concepts and recommendations of therapy. Our research area, pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology, is transdisciplinary and combines experimental concepts with pharmacometric data analysis.

    Based on our extensive expertise in developing empirical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic models for drugs, we increasingly focus on mechanistic, i.e. physiology-motivated and mechanism-based models, integrating knowledge of cellular and molecular kinetics and dynamics. Within the FAIR project, we are responsible for developing a mathematical modelling & simulation platform for flagellin to (i) refine preclinical experiments and (ii) extrapolate and bridge existing information, to estimate the best doses for phase I trial and characterise the pharmacokinetics/safety thereof. This Modelling & Simulation flagellin platform will be based on a combination of nonlinear mixed-effects and physiologically-based modelling approaches (‘middle-out’ approach) allowing real-time integration of literature data and FAIR-generated knowledge as it becomes available.


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    Charlotte Kloft, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.

    Professor Head of Department Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry and Managing Director of the Institute

    Robin Michelet, Dr. ir.
    Robin Michelet, Dr. ir./ Senior scientist Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry /
    Robin Michelet, Dr. ir./ Senior scientist Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry /
    Linda Aulin
    Linda Aulin/ Postdoctoral Researcher /
    Linda Aulin/ Postdoctoral Researcher /
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