

    Southampton HTA Centre is part of the Wessex Institute within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton, UK.   SHTAC has expertise in evidence synthesis and health economics and as part of the FAIR project will be undertaking health economic studies to review the clinical and economic burden of bacterial pneumonia in Europe. 

    This work will include a systematic review of effectiveness for current treatment options for bacterial pneumonia and reviews of the epidemiology and economic burden of bacterial pneumonia in Europe. A decision analytic model will be built to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of targeted strategies for the use of adjunctive nebulized flagellin in selected national healthcare systems.

    The model will be based on background evidence from the literature, estimates of biologic product and delivery costs and initial estimates of effects and stratification factors from WP5, WP6, WP7. Given the early stage of the development of the biological product, the extent and impact of uncertainty will be explored by probabilistic sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis.


    Visit SOTON website


    Joanne Lord, Professor

    Director of SHTAC and Professorial Fellow in Health Economics.

    Joanna Picot, Dr.
    Joanna Picot, Dr./ Senior Research Fellow /
    Joanna Picot, Dr./ Senior Research Fellow /
    Lorna Hazell
    Lorna Hazell/ Senior Research Assistant /
    Lorna Hazell/ Senior Research Assistant /
    Lois Woods
    Lois Woods/ Senior Research Assistant /
    Lois Woods/ Senior Research Assistant /
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